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Premium Mouth Tape - Bamboo Silk | 30 pack

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BREATHEEZE PERFORMANCE Premium Bamboo Silk Mouth Tape, the top choice for high-quality mouth tape in Australia. Engineered to enhance recovery and optimize sleep quality, our premium strip trains nasal breathing and encourages optimal oxygen intake for a more restful sleep.

Crafted with bamboo silk for exceptional comfort and sustainability, our mouth tape ensures a secure fit and hypoallergenic, naturally antibacterial and moisture-wicking properties. Ideal for snorers and mouth breathers seeking peak performance support.

BREATHEEZE PERFORMANCE Premium Bamboo Silk Mouth Tape is your solution for better sleep and overall well-being. Consistent use can lead to a refreshed feeling upon waking.


Important Warnings and Precautions (Do not use the Breatheeze Mouth Tape if you suffer from any of the following):

  • Trouble breathing through your nose.
  • Obesity with a BMI over 35.
  • Very low blood pressure.
  • Severe heart or breathing problems.
  • Cold, sinus, or ear infection.
  • Severe chapped lips or non-intact skin around the mouth.
  • Alcohol or sedative consumption.
  • Gastric emesis, or any vomiting problems.
  • Asthma or any other chronic respiratory condition.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Any condition that causes difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Benefits at a Glance

Nasal Support: Strengthen your nasal passages.

Enhanced Exercise: Enhance oxygen intake with nose breathing – ideal for sports and workouts.

Improved Sleep:  Deeper sleep, less snoring, and reduced mouth dryness, enhancing overall recovery.

Aesthetics: Strengthen facial muscles for improved jaw and facial structure.

Oral Health: Prevent mouth breathing to avoid dry mouth, bad breath, and dental problems.

Safety: Breathable fabric to allow for emergency airflow.

How to Use Breatheeze Mouth Tape:

Simply wipe down your lips and apply the mouth tape over the center of your lips. Ensure your mouth is closed when applying.


Tips for sensitive/dry skin users: Reduce the chance of residue by applying a thin layer of moisturiser and/or lip balm before application.

Detailed Instructions

Which Mouth Tape Is Best For You?

Why Should You Tape Your Mouth While You Sleep?

Mouth breathing can wreak havoc on your looks, sleep and overall health. Using mouth tape can prevent these problems and enhance your overall well-being.

Solution to Snoring & Improved Sleep

PROBLEM: Mouth breathing can lead to poor sleep quality, causing you to wake up tired, irritable, and with brain fog. It can contribute to snoring, and disrupted sleep.

SOLUTION: Mouth taping promotes nasal breathing, which can help eliminate snoring, boost oxygen intake, and help you sleep better.

Prevent Bad Breath & Oral Issues

PROBLEM:  Mouth breathing disrupts the natural balance of bacteria by lowering intraoral pH, leading to tooth erosion, sensitivity, increased risk of decay, bad breath, dry mouth, sore throat, and potential oral infections.

SOLUTION: By promoting nasal breathing, mouth taping boosts saliva production while you sleep, preserving a healthy oral pH balance and combating morning breath.

Maximize Breathing Efficiency

PROBLEM: Mouth breathing reduces nitric oxide intake and the oxygen supply to your muscles, resulting in fatigue upon waking.

SOLUTION: By promoting nasal breathing, mouth taping maximizes nitric oxide intake and oxygen supply to your muscles, letting you wake up refreshed and energetic.

Reducing Stress & Improve Focus

PROBLEM: Mouth breathing can hinder diaphragmatic breathing and disrupt the autonomic nervous system, leading to increased stress levels.

SOLUTION: Nasal breathing with mouth tape helps regulate the autonomic nervous system, reduce stress, and improve your overall mood.

Strengthen Facial Muscles & Alignment

PROBLEM: Mouth breathing can cause facial muscle disengagement and improper tongue posture, which can impact facial structure and symmetry.

SOLUTION: Using mouth tape supports nasal breathing, which encourages facial muscle engagement and proper tongue posture, thereby enhancing your facial structure and symmetry.

One Strip Six Benefits

Switching from mouth to nasal breathing brings a cascade of benefits: improved oxygenation, reduced allergens, enhanced REM sleep, strengthen facial muscles, boosted immunity, and more.


The best part? You can achieve these benefits naturally, safely, and effortlessly with mouth tape during your nighttime sleep.

How it Works?

Keeping your mouth shut isn’t easy. Mouth taping is a proven method to help retrain your body to nasal breathe. By adopting this simple habit has various benefits that mouth breathing does not.



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