The Research

Nose Breathing: The Key to Enhanced Health and Well-Being

This article, "The Health Benefits of Nose Breathing," reveals surprising facts about nasal breathing's impact on health. Breathing through the nose, as opposed to the mouth, offers significant advantages such as filtering and warming air, reducing snoring, and promoting better dental health. Notably, it increases oxygen uptake by 10-20%. The article also highlights how nasal breathing contributes to higher blood oxygen levels, aiding overall lung function and cardiovascular health. Incorporating nasal strips or mouth tape into your routine can help maximise these benefits, making them essential tools for improving respiratory health and exercise performance.

Reference: Allen, R. (2023). The Health Benefits of Nose Breathing. Nursing in General Practice.

Discover the Science Behind Nasal Breathing for Improved Exercise Performance

A 2020 study in the Journal of Sports Research found that using your nose to breathe during moderate exercise, like a brisk walk or light jog, improves how efficiently your body uses air. It's like getting more power from each breath! Plus, nasal breathing can help prevent that tight chest feeling some people get when exercising. Using nasal strips can further enhance these benefits, allowing you to exercise at higher intensities comfortably. So next time you hit the gym or the trail, try breathing through your nose to feel the difference!

Reference: Dallam, G. M., & Kies, B. (2020). The Effect of Nasal Breathing Versus Oral and Oronasal Breathing During Exercise: A Review. Journal of Sports Research, 7(1)

Unlocking a Longstanding Secret: Nasal Strips for Enhanced Breathing

Discovered over two decades ago but still not widely known, nasal dilator strips have been shown to significantly improve breathing during exercise. This study found that these strips reduce nasal resistance and enable longer, more effective nasal breathing while working out. Ideal for both athletes and fitness enthusiasts, nasal strips are a proven, yet underutilized, tool to boost respiratory efficiency during physical activities.

Reference: Seto-Poon, M., Amis, T.C., Kirkness, J.P., & Wheatley, J.R. (1999). Nasal dilator strips delay the onset of oral route breathing during exercise. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 24(6), 538-547.